The Best Foods for a Clear Complexion

It turns out that your latest breakout may have more to do with what you ate than who your parents are. Genetics does play a role in how smooth and clear your complexion is, but so does diet. While you can’t control your genes, you can control your diet, so read on for some of the best foods to eat for a good complexion.
If acne is a primary concern, then sometimes what you don’t eat is as important as what you do eat. Many people have found that giving up or minimizing dairy in their diet has helped to clear their skin. On the other hand, to help prevent and plump wrinkles, it is recommended that you eat Greek yogurt for the super protein boost.
Olive is another essential for plumping skin and promoting a healthy glow. Women that consume olive oil rather than other vegetable oils are perceived to have fewer signs of aging. As a bonus, olive oil contains antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause skin damage, another reason for better looking skin.
Chocolate gets a bad rap for causing acne outbreaks, but dark chocolate is actually beneficial for the complexion. An ounce of chocolate, roughly 150 calories, provides a healthy dose of antioxidants without the excess calories of a milk chocolate bar that can cause weight gain.
Green tea, especially with a squeeze of lemon, contains a hefty dose of antioxidants that fight the inflammation that causes problematic skin. The dose of citrus enhances the curing powers of green tea by making them linger in the body for longer.
Walnuts contain omega-3 essential fatty acids that help to boost the elasticity of the skin. The nuts also contain copper, a mineral that increases the production of collagen.
It’s important to wear sunscreen on a daily basis to protect against sun damage, and some foods have protective properties. They won’t replace sunscreen, but tomatoes and green and yellow bell peppers contain trace amounts of nutrients that can decrease sun sensitivity.

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